Pathways of Life...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Professor Sox...School of Hard Knox...

Hi there may be hard to tell

but I'm just a little bird ....that's doing very well.

You see daily my 'Job is to tease a Fat, ...Lazy Cat"

And on Helleson's Hill...I DO EXACTLY THAT!

Scroll down and below you will see...

The VICTIM of my daily.... activity.

It's...PROFESSOR SPOILED and yet so smart

But...Proves to be outwitted by ME,---- right from the start.

Upon his masters king size bed... he constantly lays

Sleeping on fluff...snoring away

Then into the window...I love to peek

I scratch the screen and let out a loud squeek

And then, the Mighty Professor awakens with a blast

Instantly he glares at me, as my wicked spell is cast.

I flutter, I chirp......I'm just inches away...

He quivers & shakes, body ready to slay!

But just as he arises from his... lofty little nap

To make me his snack---my wings quickly flap

And I am then gone.............. GONE with the wind...

Only return...when the great Professor...goes to sleep again!
(secret to my story---I love my job!)
Signed: The little Bird....

and I may look like a nerd... in others eyes.
But that bird's an idiot and is really just my entertainment...
as he flutters and flies.
And what he does not know....
and some day.... will become his own demise.
That screen is busted... because... his Ancestors...
also thought they were.... EVER so WISE!

(What's for supper tonight?)~~~~ ; )

1 comment:

PandaMom said...

You been busy with your blogging, huh? ; ) This poem was so great! You amaze me with your writing abilities!!

By the way: do not click on the "here" of the comments left for you. Those look like some kind of weird SPAM thing.