Pathways of Life...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Moses, Moses, Moses...God's gentle voice a duck hunter.

Moral of this story is that when we are attacked and just remember that Satan does not attack....what he already controls.... (and that's why he tries to beat us up and break our faith) Hang on tight...keep up the fight....but enjoy every blessing in the!
Our local newspaper has been printing some awesome Civil War stories of local families. I have always loved anything that has to do with our history, heritage, and geneology, these stories draw my quick attention. Sometimes OLD photos tell MORE of the true story of our nations shame...than what we read in history books.
Equally, I have also loved hand carved figurines of artwork of the OLD SOUTH and the black culture working in their daily task such as around the old black washpot, the little black boy with his fishing pole and string of fish, etc. So, naturally, these true local photos and stories of our slaves that SETTLED and BUILT this wild arena called, Texas... Waco, Texas to be more specific...goes straight to my heart.
The following is a TRUE story (tho...not in our newspaper... but certainly should have been) that happened during the Civil War. It is a beautiful tribute to the faith, the wisdom and the hearts of many black Christian slaves who suffered greatly, worked diligently for their masters but their stories carry such a great message from God to man....back well as today!
In this story...MOSES is a very large black man who was a slave, like his parents, to a very rich plantation owner. Moses was always obedient to his masters and mistresses of the plantation. On this particular day, the rich plantation owner had decided to go 'DUCK HUNTING' and as was the custom, he took Moses with him to do 'the work" and help gather up the dead ducks as well as ...endanger his life in the alligator/snake infested nearby lake, rather than the master.
As they walked through the high grasses, weeds and reeds...they began to talk as friends, not just as master and slave. However, with a bit of arrogance, the white plantation owner asked Moses a question.
"Hey, Moses...why is it that you always DO all those GOOD know...good deeds for everybody don't don't ever always do whatever we tell ya. You are really a mighty good man, Moses. So why's it that YOUR GOD lets you remain a SLAVE to suffer so badly... and work all day from the break of dawn till the sun goes down?"
"Well, Sir...Mr. Bossman, I can't say...cause en... I jes don't know", Moses replied gently.
Hours passed, the rich man had shot a large number of ducks on the lake and they slowly floated to the shore. Moses quietly did his job, picking up and bagging the ducks for his master.
Finally, towards the end of the day, Moses turned to his master... "Sir, Mista Boss man, I been thinking about what you asked me about earlier...about 'why God do what he do" and I guess that after thinkin about it...I really DO know the answer after know... why I has to suffa"
"What's that, Moses"
"Well,'s sorta like those ducks out there on that beautiful lake. You know, you and me can SEE the dead ducks that you shot---now they are DEAD. But now you look out there at those OTHER ducks---their living. Yes sir, their struggling, they be afraid...they be swimming hard to get away from the evil of yor blastin gun that killed all their brothers. But sir, I guess my God knows that I feel like dim ducks...cause, sir...I'd lots rather be a working and a swimming away from the troubles....being ALIVE and not DEAD floating around in des waters."
****Like dear sweet Moses...God has a plan for each of us....we may not always understand or know "why". things/stuff happens to us.....but by His Grace and goodness...we DO know that we are still blest and alive. So, grab a smile and your umbrella and let's face the storms...we have so much to be thankful & humble over. I hope you enjoyed Moses' sweet message & story.
Have a happy, today & everyday!

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