Pathways of Life...

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome back, Kotter...

Well, it's been a while (sort of like...June 2 to October 1st since I have blogged)...whew, where did that time go?
The 'Dog Days of summer have past and the Autumn Leaves are beginning to fall. It's an exciting time of the year! I LOVE IT. THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS is on the way. (Baylor Choir is already singing the awesome Christmas Carols....and lots of Concerts on the fun fun!)

Thank you so much those of you who have asked me about WHEN that I was going to get back to writing. Thanks, your words encourage me and I appreciate you. However, this summer was busy and for me... it is easy to 'get "OUT of the habit of bloggin....just as it is to get... addicted TO...BLOGGIN. ha ha And like many of you have shared, sometimes it can also get tiring and taxing....being on the computer... when there are more important things that need to be done. It goes both ways I guess. But again, thanks....I DO appreciate you for asking me about my blog. Maybe I can 'get my groove' back on. ha ha whatalaugh!!!!

So, for today may the pictures speak for themselves....Blessings 2 U and yours!(isn't 'Mother Nature....and Father God....THEE best! so cute....

1 comment:

Journey on! by Kelleye said...

Just seeing that headline reminds me of that show and how they talked! I am glad your back on- I caught up on your blog and laughed and the run on sentences and the spell check- I do both- surely people can figure out what I am trying to say and if not it lets them know I am not perfect- just in case they had any doubts=). Just to think spell check is only a click away and I still won't do it!!!!!!!