There is really no way to describe the beauty, the mesmerizing effect and touching emotions of the complete event. Awesome flights...repeatedly honoring of us on the ground....WITH AIR PLANES. can't be explained.
Yes, there were silent tears...but wonderful cheers of excitement, as the roaring motors conquering every domain of the earth where we stood. (we actually heard the 'droan' of the fleet of planes....long before they arrived over head to perform their show..(from the direction of G.W.Bush ranch no less ;-D)....it really was so exciting---everybody was squealing, laughing & carrying on like little kids----camera's flying everywhere. (and needless to say...some of my own 'MOST favorite...head on shots of the airplanes diving into us/runway/landing area....did not take...grrr....but guess it's par for life... that ya have to laugh about. There's is NOTHING like facing an spinning airplane propella that you KNOW is going to miss you...but you are RIGHT in front of it---trying to take photos. (I needed my daughter, the photographer, to be there at those moments!!!) We had a nice attending group but sadly she was nursing 'strep throat'---yuk.
But it was such a 'mixture of emotions'...to be way out on a cattle ranch hillside...beautiful sunshine...family, laughter... but bitter cold north wind that we tried to buff. :-) Below is a pic of only 4 airplanes that I could get in one shot...but there were many behind this---again, pics didn't turn out...I was absolutely freezing/shaking the camera of which I'm not great at anyway, even at my best. poo
Yes, all air shows SHAKE the earth...but the B 36 was the largest... (& carrier of army tanks/jets) and it was later deemed to expensive for use. Another brother n law had helped in the Engineering design of the B 36, so it was special to many in our family, even tho it wasn't in service but about 8 or 10 years.
Nick had a hobby of collecting Antique airplanes/aircrafts of all kinds. Well, known in that world. This red, white and blue beauty is a 69' Rally. My nephew 'taxied' all the airplanes out on their landing strip for the air show display. Very pretty, very unique & special.
My nieces favorite, 1931 Wright...note where the propellar is located. (I have another shot of the tail which is unique in itself...but ? couldn't get it to download for some reason) As you know the older the aircraft....or more unique...the higher the value. whew...neato
This is just an inside view of a hangar that has a huge ? antique airplane-wall to wall-very nice in a bright yellow. All was quite a tribute to Nick and his wisdom, work and collections. We laughed because everywhere you look, there are pieces of airplanes/parts/wings....so Nick! One of the family favorites is his 1919 French Bi-plane. He has refurbished many, many and resold them through the years....great artist, Engineer and wise collector.
Below is my darling niece; messing around on her brothers motor bike in the woods. Needless to say 'everybody' had to take a 'spin'---tons of laughter, fun and craziness. Add to that a few great games of 'basketball (even my 70 yr. husband who couldn't walk the next day.hahaha) and tons of yummy food to follow throughout the afternoon.
Also...naturally, there was the usual walk in the woods...along the flooded creek, across the pastures, taking pictures of buzzards, dogs, kids and crazy stunts. Below is my hubby---before he played the game of basketball ....which I have to say...'he did some REALLY neat POP SHOT PERFECT GOALS...for being the oldest male there...huummm. (you don't wanna hear about how it was to try to get him UP the next morning tho...hahaha

The following poem was dedicated to my brother-in-law at his memorial and I think it is very beautiful and fitting, called:
----so, Sunrise...Sunset, quickly go the days....
The following poem was dedicated to my brother-in-law at his memorial and I think it is very beautiful and fitting, called:
"The High Flight"
Oh! I have skipped the surly bonds of Earth!
And I danced the skies Sunward. I've climbed and joined the Tumbling mirth of Sun-split clouds.
You have not dreamed of the sunlit Silence; hov'ring there, I've chased the Shouting Wind along and flung my eager Craft through footless halls of the Air.
Up, Up the long, the delirious, as a burning blue lark, or even an Eagle flew.
And, while with silent ....lifting mind...I've trod the high Untrespassed Sancity of Space,
I put out my hand and 'touched the Face of God!
Nick Pocock wheeled and soared....and swung High with easy grace, Where never I've topped the Wind -Swept heights and done a hundred things...
on 'laughter and Silvered Wings'...
----so, Sunrise...Sunset, quickly go the days....
no one ever knows, when/where/how...we will see that last earthly Sunray. Make the most of every moment, enjoy life, grab every rainbow, swing on every cloud, kiss the snowflake and know that our God is ALWAYS there!!!
1 comment:
This was really neat! Love the pictures you got! That one plane was really close wasn't it! At least it seemed to be a really pretty day for it- he would have been proud I bet.
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