FACEBOOK is a place on the internet that is lots of fun, tons of foolish laughter, yet lots of neat wisdom and 'serious mind bending issues' each day. Tons of games, some a bit wild and querky, some 'down home' goofy...but for the most part...just fun. The following is a personality test 0f which there are a jillion to choose from.
While on Facebook, I noticed that a lot of my friends were taking "Dr. Phil's Personality Test"...most of the results that I read... did fit the persons...as I knew them...but then there were a couple that I thought just sort of 'flew off the wall' in a couple of places. Yet I could also see a 'wee bit' of the negatives as the results of the testings. It just was not really complimentary to that individual.
Anyway...out of curiosity...I WANTED to try the test....but in reality...I thought 'Oh, my grief...all I need is to take a stupid test and then have all my negatives plastered all of Facebook for millions to laugh at. So, I mulled it over a couple of days/scared to make a 'bigger' fool of myself...and after phone conversations ...urging me to do it....'aaawww just for fun''...I finally did it. ;-D And in fact...I repeatedly took...trying my best to 'fool' the test. ha ha
Thank God, Dr. Phil took 'pity' on me and gave me a decent grade. Below is his testing and results for me. Whew! The worms were exposed.
Dr. Phil's Personality Test
This test was created by Dr. Phil and several psychologists. He presented this test on the Oprah Winfrey show. It is reported to be the most accurate psychological test in the entire world. (for the Facebook testing you answer questions BUT they referred back through your writings/contact messages on Facebook to compile the results.) And tho foul talk is not allowed ...very curt/cutting things are. You can read some ...er..er.. interesting' exchanges of words at times.) ;-)
This test was created by Dr. Phil and several psychologists. He presented this test on the Oprah Winfrey show. It is reported to be the most accurate psychological test in the entire world. (for the Facebook testing you answer questions BUT they referred back through your writings/contact messages on Facebook to compile the results.) And tho foul talk is not allowed ...very curt/cutting things are. You can read some ...er..er.. interesting' exchanges of words at times.) ;-)
Fun fact about this pyschological testing: Dr. Phil himself scored a 55 on the test, while Oprah scored only a 38.
Gloria took the "Dr. Phil's Personality Test" quiz and the result is.../she is....
The Lively Center of Attention. (I certainly do not feel that way, for sure)
(but I love reading the following...yea for ole Dr. Phil...ha ha)
Others see you as fresh, lively, charming, amusing, practical, and always interesting; someone who's constantly in the center of attention, but sufficiently well-balanced not one to let it go to their head. They also see you as kind, considerate, and understanding; someone who'll always cheer them up and help them out.
(wow...what a relief...he gave me a decent grade...so you know now why I say...Dr. Phil took "pity on me"...it was fun after all. Sure glad there weren't any more questions. ha ha
Hope you have a great day.... & 'a special little secret' just between you and me...'don't take the test...you already KNOW you are great!!! woohoo!
God created you & He don't make junk!!! ;-D