Yet, His Holy Spirit inside of me, rebounds and rebels...and 'all that I am' speaks in whispers to my heart.... to my brain.
I am HIS child....HE will not forsake me...He never has. We converse constantly---so why do I feel so much like a little grain of sand being crushed by the gigantic ocean waves of the tremendous raging seas before me?
Well finally (humm), my Father, whispers to me..."that's normal''...."that's why I am here!"
"I Do test your faith in Me----and just as it is written in Isaiah 41:10, thousands of years ago---I still ask that you......'Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed for I am thy God' I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness."
****My moment of truth has come---surgery time. In child like faith...with a deep feeling of humility, intimidation and insignificance---Because He lives----I can/will CHOOSE to cling to His promises to get me through this horror. I do not take lightly that He chose awesome people to build careers around medical restoration and research that brings HOPE to hurting people everywhere. ......"to ME! Tomorrow---I test their skills.
Today, I lean on Him---- He is thee Creator & Giver of all good and perfect gifts.
The following verses WASH over THIS 'grain of sand' (me) and sends courage.... to handle the deep waters of a thousand emotions, through the darkness of this night, this hour and moment in time. And forever--- for each of us who believe. Some people have Favorite verses...which is super...but I have found that there are SO many that FILL the voids and situations in my life...that it's really hard to choose a constant favorite. Today's need...brings to mind a certain Scriptures---tomorrows needs bring forth another. these are my RIGHT NOW verses. ha ha---Help, Lord!!!!
Hebrews 13:6 The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm---I will not fear, or dread or be terrified!
Luke 12:32 Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, my child, for it is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Also....FEAR is the beginning of WISDOM. (yes, Lord, I am trying to learn fast!)
Psalms 23 (my first memorized verses as a child in Vacation Bible School) constantly rings in my ears...my heart and my soul. For He IS my Savior...Salutation.
The Lord is my Shepherd.......I shall not want....

May we all, as His aimless sheep, constantly seek His voice in our Wilderness walk through Life. If it be His will...I will return to this blog in about 3 weeks. May You continue to be blessed.
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