HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY.... all ye ole Irishmons, lassies...and lads-----aaah vot a vonderful vay to staart de day!

Wow, isn't God good! Central Texas has not had rain in FOR...EV...ER.... or at least that is the way it has seemed! Now we have had a week of rain....about five inches that brought LIFE and green hillsides, prairies and fields...once again! Greeen, Greeeen, Green---and wow, for the beauty of our wonderful TEXAS Bluebonnets! So perfect. So refreshing!
The birds outside of my window sill are singing at the top of their lungs...eating at a feeder nearby....as my cat lays on my computer table....watching with pleasure and licking his chops...twitching his tail with vigor. (he KNOWS darn well, he's too fat and too slow---so the least that he can do is have 'wishful thoughts'. ha ha
Today, I am humbly grateful ....for a million things...but most emphatically...that I am NOT where I was last week at this time....FLAT of my back in bed with horrific PAIN! Yes, I have been telling everyone that my health has been getting better...that the latest injections and treatment since November have seemingly been working....THEN...zap...bang...bonk...and I have pain so awful that I cannot get out of the bed=== for all of last week. It was BACK to the old grab for ANYTHING to hold on to. just to go to the bathroom. Pain from head to foot...& there were very few of my other 'body parts' that didn't participate in this game of roulette....all of it followed by deepest depression of 'giving up/throwing in the towel ...on the word....hope'....
People, in case you have NOT LIVED long enough to know it....believe me....when you hurt bad enough, long enough.... your hope is gone---there is no FINDING that word. (Yes, God is there to carry you thru...but that by far...does not always take away...or erase the PAIN OR depression from pains (regardless the various types). Physical...is mine--- and I thank God daily that I don't have the added ones of spiritual, mental, relational, financial---altho I guess anybody could use a bit more 'green backs' here and there. lol ha ha
However, sometimes I find that...good and well meaning friends...think they are helping you through the situations of life...but everything they say sometimes just makes it hurt worse. I have a few of these darlings..ha ha........BUT thank God....I also have those that KNOW where I am...and where I am coming from. ha ha (clue: I already know my Bible verses/meaning and I am on the first hand basis, (one to one) with my Father, my creator/savior... but that does not stop my body from screaming with pain. Heaven IS FULL of dead Christians WHO loved, honored, followed and fellowshipped with God prior to their death of pain---the tombstones/cemeteries are good reminders of this fact. Plez--- (so may---be, my suffering is allowed...so that others also can be reminded that compassion/understanding is ALSO part of God's plan for mankind.
So, with that said--(quite bluntly...as the Irish are often known to do---ha ha), I truly am so happy today--- because I am feeling better...and again HOPEFUL... AND then it's also dear old St. Patrick's Day, the awesome Christian Saint that my Irish/English/Scott... Mom adored (& was Baptist ha ha). This day always makes me remember my awesome Memories of joy and blessings of all my wonderful years and life with her! I'm just GLAD my memory is still there. ha ha (parts of that are 'fleeting fast' hahahahaha

But most importantly... I have to say in listing todays GRATITUDES...that....I am soooo very grateful to our daughter and son n law for sharing an awesome weekend in their home.
(I did not FEEL like making a trip to their house originally this weekend...I truly hurt too badly...but I went because of my beloved---he needed the break as well. But naturally..altho going to someone else's house was nice but.. this didn't let my pain go away. Howev er ---I was so beautifully blest to have had an absolutely wonderful time with them--they were tops in the 'hosting' dept. ha ha... and their adopted little daughter from China, is so amusing, entertaining and amazing to just sit and watch....listen to her praddle talk to her babies....toys/dolls. She is awesome in being able to entertain herself...in pure child like innocence. Pure joy to watch God's hand roll and curl around the heart of a little child at play.
It was truly 'frosting on the cake' for us to enjoy going to church with our kids. Their church is so beautiful...both outside....as well as inside.... with the 'heart of the people'...very friendly. And as stated so many times in my blog....I LOVE MUSIC....it is God's touch to my soul....and Sonday's music was all... some of my very FAVORITES... And YA can't beat that! The sermon, like most, hit home....very touching and real! I love that in pastors.
Our daughter was on an 'arts & crafty' (ha) binge...into to re-decorating with thrift store goodies and like our daughter n law....they are SOOOO GOOOD....at finding the cutest darn stuff...for almost nothing. (they, natch....gotta add a few more costly additives here and there...hahaha)
Son n law is so creative and willing to 'do what it takes'....to 'get er done' (ha meant in a good manner here)....and he is turning their garage into an 'organized storage and exercise playroom...with great success. As with all things---and everybody---it all takes time and $$$---but it is always good to see your grown kids succeeding. (it's even BETTER than when your kids are small....and YOU HAVE TO BE part of their succeeding process....yet now in old age...you can just sit back and say....'hooray...that's so neat!!!!) hahahaha lol
I had weekend photos to post but for some reason beyond my knowledge ...after repeatedly trying for over 2 hours....I cannot get them transferred over to the blog like all the other jillion that I have done ...including getting graphics in a mego second. It didn't work today. (the faster that I go...the hinder I get) if you know what I mean. Just not meant to be I guess for this blog.
Well, vith the heart of the Irish jig---- and the kiss of zee ole Blarney Stone, may I bid you each a very Happy dey----- and may all ye troubles be tourned into glorious nuggets of gold and treasures.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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