you be so kind...take a moment and do a favor to SUPPORT our awesome
Soldiers and their families for the sacrifice that THEY give daily for OUR
awesome nation and freedom.

Our Nations economics are also very, very hard for the families of our Service Men and Women---their CHILDREN and families need us and this is something very simple that we CAN do.
CUT out COUPONS from your daily newspapers and especially your SUNDAY newspaper, magazines and whatever....where ever... and MAIL them in an envelope to:
Betty Carey-coupons
Ft. Hood Commissary #1
50,001 Clearcreek, Ft. Hood, Texas 76544
This lady realized the great need for this ministry for the children of our soldiers. These coupons are seldom used and yet so vastly needed AND APPRECIATED by the families back home.
I was absolutely astounded to find 62 coupons in only 2 portions of our local Sunday newspaper last week. All it takes is about 20 minutes and the price of a stamp. Please do what you can to show your appreciation and support..and bless the lives of those who serve our nation daily. Share this information with others and encourage them to do the same.
Be safe. Be blessed. Be Grateful for our freedom and nation. We are still the best...thanks to many thousands who gave their all...for the last 233 years----have died (or were/are crippled... physically or mentally)...for you and me.

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