Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Goodbye to 2009...We Leave You Behind

Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Tears...Mingled with Christmas Joy!

(I am 'back tracking here...bare w/me).....or is it Bear w/me???? :-)
Christmas tears....also bring Christmas JOYS! Merry Christmas, for He is the Reason for the Season
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Beautiful Autumn...Bear Facts of Joy & Wisdom...

(The 7 Ups---for a Beary happy life)!
1. Wake Up !!
Decide to have a good day.'

7. Lift Up !!. . your Prayers. 'Do not worry about anything; instead PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.'Philippians 4:6

Friday, September 11, 2009
Remembering.....9 1 1

Wow, 11 ft. Rattlesnake, Odessa, Texas

And I was griping in my previous blog about 2 little 5 ft. chicken snakes HIDES in the tree above us!!!
Holy Toledo---this eleven foot rattlesnake was found and killed last Friday at 3rd and Knoxx Street ...in the city of Odessa, Texas! My favorite Aunt lived not far from this on 10th street---with her oil well in their back yard.
(but wow....this thing looks more like a Boa Constrictor) How could something so big....get by all the growth years and not be found....especially inside a city the size of Odessa---which is NOT small.
Mercy---I was RAISED with tons of Rattlesnakes believe me! We thought that we had one of the largest ever.....it was 8 ft. 2 inches...and my brother & brother-n-law killed it & split it open...because it had a huge hump in it's belly....only to find a full grown gigantic Jack Rabbit...in perfect condition but dead.
As children on a ranch we were taught from birth forward to 'watch out for snakes'...every blade of grass or rock held deadly danger. Our ranch had all 4 venomous snakes of Texas, copperheads and water moccasin's at the rivers. earth tanks and creek bottoms, deadly Coral snakes-occasionally and the rattlers were everywhere....in the pastures, barns, sheds and beneath our house and in your yards many, many times----including under the steps when my hubby...then boyfriend started to 'kiss me goodnight'....and zzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzz came the resounding but familiar noise of deadly FEAR...and his huge 6 ft 3 inch teenage body JUMPED back about 10 feet into the air screaming.
My Parents were asleep at the midnight hour---but KNEW instantly WHAT was happening. My boyfriend was either BITTEN or 'had totally taken flight' in fear!!! lol
He was basically a 'city boy' and had NEVER even been around snakes. Period.
My precious MOM--TO THE RESCUE---the old shotgun behind the door at midnight...with a flashlight...took care of that issue immediately. One dead 6 foot rattlesnake gone! And one City boy returned home with wet pants---and a story to 'tell all his friends' forever. ha ha And he still does....smile
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Mercy, Summer 2009--What Happened?

Or maybe I did...I feel so confused....maybe this has all been a bad dream! PLEASE, tell me that it really was a dream. :-D
Surely we DIDN'T break all WEATHER records in history....WITH HORRIBLE temperatures OVER 100 degrees for almost 60 days of one summer!!!
Surely I didn't go through the greatest pain of my life....physical and mental!!!
Surely all of our earth is not drying up for the lack of rain!!! All our plants, grain, trees and animals....and food supply is not dying away.
Surely Americans are NOT out of work by the millions, including my loved ones with college degrees!!!
Surely I didn't spend 2 weeks in the hospital having my legs cut off and replaced them with man made artificial implements that 'pop out" of socket often with great pain.
Surely BOTH hubby and I didn't BOTH fall flat on our faces...have horrible pains with these 2 sets of artificial knees!!! Surely the blood & scabs are not ours!!!
Surely after a lifetime of WORKING my tail off and 'paying my dues' from every paycheck that our new President will not succeed in destroying my retirement income that I WORKED FOR ...as well as my retirement Health care coverage...for my many health problems culminating from WORKING my tail off all these years!!!
Surely ...as always....I will be wise enough and strong enough in FAITH to keep my eyes on my Savior...and USE that great 'SENSE OF HUMOR' that he so generously gave me....to help me, my family and friends to OVERCOME....SURELY!!! Please, Lord, SURELY>
Well, how's that for a negative introduction...ha ha...and drat-it....it's all TOO DARN TRUE!!! This summer has 'come and gone' and although I am excited and feeling better about the upcoming season change---praise God---buuut, I, like many others....still have 'Summer hang over pains' and I don't even drink. I still feel in a deep daze at ALL that has come 'down the pike' this summer---which is USUALLY my most appreciative, restful time of the year. This year COULDN'T be further FROM that!!!
So, with determined faith, today, I have chosen to honor the BLESSINGS of this Summer of 2009 with photos and try to close.....or at least....ease the door shut on the bad.
However, I SHOULD HAVE caught onto the very 1st clue early....that THIS was going to be a tough summer. Naturally, first the double knee surgery on a body of a diabetic and cancer patient----CERTAINLY couldn't be all good. ha ha...2 surgeries @ once!!!
But...then one day, after surgery & trying to get OVER the mess..... hubby and I had been sitting leisurely out in our back yard beneath our favorite shade tree, drinking nice cool soda's in the refreshing summer breeze...it was sooo wonderful!
Well, we eventually go back into the house for a few minutes....only to RETURN a few minutes later to our shady spot and relaxing lawn chairs ...beneath our backyard shade tree...ONLY to find the following:

Yes....this is, none other....than a SNAKE SKIN. NOT one....BUT...TWO of them, about 4 to 5 feet long...hanging ABOVE....exactly where we were just sitting under the tree!
Now we have not even SEEN a snake of ANY KIND on our hillside in probably 15 years...and only about 3 prior to that in all of 42 years----and NOW two of them...side by side...IN a tree...over our heads while we sip sodas! YIKES! My family knows that I am not a lover of snakes...although I wisely know that God created them to HELP w/rodents. but yuk...
Anyway...this HAD to be a BIG OMEN....and it SHOULD have been my CLUE # 2....that Summer 2009 was BOUND to be trying! AND IT WAS....and some still is!!!
=======But life goes on.......OR ....IT GOES OFF.....=====
WELL---BY CHOICE....I choose to honor good and....so, THESE are some of the GOOD things that took place this summer that I loved...and things that I plan to TRY to remember in the years ahead as I look back upon 2009. ha ha...now I said 'try' . :-D
Below: My beloved 'high school Sweetheart" actually turned 70 years old on July 4th! I can barely believe it...if for the fact that I am not but one year behind him!!! My awesome Jock of great high school physical bod-squad....now 70 yrs. old! Where did time go? I'm still a cheerleader (ha) and he still is the guy with the 'hottest car' in centex! Oh, No, is it not true...can it be...that we are BOTH using BLUE HANDICAPPED STICKERS, canes & walkers? Our hair has turned grey or loose and what used to 'shake' now cracks, moans & groans! All the body parts that used to be...upright and sharp to military standards....now hang down to welcome the grave. Yikes. oh....aaarrrrgggg!
(of course, I could barely stand or walk....so the usual 'Family July 4th Celebration' for his birthday was never meant to be for his... Big 7-0 .... but with blessings...it became just that---a neat blessing, as our daughter went all out and prepared/decorated their home in his honor.

(these two animals have been together for about 5 years and He TRIED to be Poppa constantly but it was always IMPOSSIBLE----(well, so we ALL thought...ha ha and even made jokes about it) HOWEVER...That was not the case. We now have the CUTEST EVER.... little black donkey---who NOW runs and bucks all over the pasture chasing Poppa...like 2 little kids----around the lake....over the dam...after the geese and ducks. run, run, run... They are so darn cute. But WHATASURPRISE. WE ALL LOVE watching them play !

Happy Birthday TO ME!!!
(now....ha ha....I often FEEL that I am ....80 years old....HA HA)
It was so neat to have them all telephone and SING their version of the birthday song TO ME! (Thank you parents!) :-D
Then just a few days after my birthday.....it was SCHOOL TIME!
ALL the grandkids are officially 'in school' this year! Wow. How great is that!
Also ....much to the dismay of one set of parents....their 3 kiddoes....all GOT UP AT 3 O'CLOCK in the morning....got dressed...went to parents bedroom...to ROLL them out of bed about 4 hours early....'because THEY wanted to get to school early". ha hahaha. (bet that will not happen again...by THEIR own choice...or their parents. So funny!
The other grandchild....1st grader...drove parents crazy the day/night before in excitement....then at school the next morning....IN PACKED HALLWAYS of parents and kids all trying to find new rooms/classes---as weeeee little voice squeaks up to Mommy, as she is GRASPING her hand in fright, "Mommy, I don't think I wanna be in first grade anymore".....
It is scary (I can even REMEMBER my own first day---first grade---no longer QUEEN of my house-scared to death of all those freaky kids that I'd never seen before!) However...once THIS little Princess got in the classroom....saw one or two of her friends....then: "you can go away now Mommy and don't take any of those pictures of me!" ha hahaha (how typical...how funny...now she's a BIG girl!) We absolutely loved both stories on our grandkids first day of school!
Well, that about 1/2 covers the Summer of 2009....the rest is too deep. There are some things that just need to be held close and talk to our REAL Daddy, who SEES and KNOWS all.
And through that venue.... one thing is for sure HE has MADE a miracle of me....my life..events etc......numerous times...numerous ways....for numerous reasons----and He will continue...as He promised...for me and all who in faith believe and follows as best possible. Through Him all Grace is given....and All THINGS are possible!
Sometimes, tho, I, like most, find myself in the pains of life, and as people, we can't hear or see the great things that Nature has all around us that help us handle all the junk--like little fluffy kittens, little black donkeys and even gigantic long-horn cows (hummm) ha ha--but maybe sometimes if we could just be still & listen with our heart----( instead of our worn out ears or our tired brain cells) ---we really might be able to hear that soft voice ECHO back to us, of His whispering our name: the voice of our Shepherd....because I certainly FEEL like a lost sheep at times in the mire messes of life.
(Lord, help me turn off the world's noise button and hear only YOU)
After all the holidays are just around the corner, exciting, hope is sneaking in the crevices, here and there----and....Thanksgiving is a daily things...even when we turkeys gobble constantly about our fears/troubles---of which I'm probably president of the club and I really don't even want to be a member. ha ha :-D I just don't have any other answers ...but HIM!
As the saying goes....Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery--- and today is God's gift to us! We are still blessed as a the greatest of Nations...as well as individuals. Truly....More Good Stuff is on the way!
Yes, I can now treasure the goodness of the Summer of 2009.
I know... this too shall pass and Change IS coming. I am excited.
Be safe... Be blest!

& Matthew
Right: Zoe Noel
First Day of School Excitement!
Hooray for children,
their parents,
our Nation & most of all our Lord!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jana

From infancy to motherhood, a million joys along the way...
A constant reminder of God our Creator, His awesome love,
His gifts & blessings---makes this a Happy Birth-day!

Your Name, JANA, was originally Hebrew....
it was taken from the Biblical name of Hannah.
Centuries later the name was adopted by the European Slavic's to Janna, then English to Jana!
It's original meaning:
"God is Gracious"
She finds the courage when it counts most...
Her style is unique and stunning,
She has a keen memory for important things,
She treats her family tenderly,
Jana believes in being fair and impartial,
She's admired for her carefree adventure,
She has an unusual ability to persuade.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Past Miracles and Present Inspirations

Very sadly they were forced to close their doors. Deeply disappointed with life, Abe told his dear friend, "you know, IF I could have a WISH today.... I would like to study LAW and I wish I had a copy of the "Lawyers Black Book of Laws" but guess it's not meant to be....because I don't have the money...all I have is 50 cents to my name."
Quickly Abe paid the man his last 50 cents for the old rusty barrel.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
How do you say, Humbled & Grateful....

Yes, I am thriving well. (didn't say without pain...ha ha....but doing very well...considering all that has been going on in my life to this point.) Six weeks and I have walked steps alone very guardedly through the house/patio, driven a very short distance...but with great wisdom and guidance still use walker or cane until each of these new knees CHOOSE to stop 'going opposite directions' occasionally. That's a FREAKY feeling, believe me! I practice all therapy constantly trying to 'do my best' and make this all worth while. I ALREADY have more energy/strength than I did before---and that is a miracle--one that I certainly never expected and a MOST WELCOMED surprised!
I have always loved my home, retirement years...but never so much....as after two weeks in the hospital with awful pain/wonderful people....
Between a wonderful husband--- and our daughter/granddaughter who came and stayed a week to help me RE-learn to stand...walk/motivate...I am humbled to the MAX.
(just in in case ANY independent, self-reliant woman has never been totally HELPLESS---believe me---there is nothing on earth so devastating to your mind. I am very sure that IT IS GOOD FOR US to be so humbled...but again...there is NO experience like it in life. Yet I have to say "I now am glad that I had the experience because beforehand...I FELT that I sort of knew the impact and compassion for...and of....other people who were helpless/down---but I learned that ---I really wasn't even close!!!
ONLY God and tears cling close constantly....and then inside our human brain --well, that won't shut up!!! pained thinking as well as body!
I learned WHY ....little people in the nursing home 'bob' their heads so much...instead of speaking. They CAN'T. They hurt too much, too deep!!! Their brains are still churning tho....
But HOOOray, and again I say hooray. Home Sweet Home....I am SO GLAD TO BE HOME! I was so welcomed by...my BIG FAT TOMCAT (named BC---because as a kitten he was such a little pest that we couldn't decide if he was a 'blessing or a curse'....ha ha, so for short, we named him BC----
well, he was STILL laying on my computer---when I returned home....where he loves to stay with me. As an aging tomcat tho---as most of you know... he loves to 'just FLOP' and snooze. He has barely left my side now that I am home. ha ha ....nice feeling of dedication---a soft, fuzzy, fluffy sweetie now.

The wild redbirds were still eating bird food outside on my window sill. this is something I have always loved. Mr & Mrs. Redbird couples will 'bill n coo'....kiss and feed each other, so beautifully. It's amazing to watch God's nature. Then we have the cotton tail rabbits who were still eating feed and grass in the early morning sunrise...just outside my bedroom window with all the other jillion song birds singing to greet me back home. Wow...Again, its so wonderful to be HOME...to be Alive....to have Hope...to be... healing.
I Shall Walk again....all praise to Thee Giver of good & perfect gifts!!! Our Lord!
I THANK YOU ALL from the very bottom of my heart. May you be blessed a 100 fold as well. His child, Gloria
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Feeling small & insignificant.....

Yet, His Holy Spirit inside of me, rebounds and rebels...and 'all that I am' speaks in whispers to my heart.... to my brain.
I am HIS child....HE will not forsake me...He never has. We converse constantly---so why do I feel so much like a little grain of sand being crushed by the gigantic ocean waves of the tremendous raging seas before me?
Well finally (humm), my Father, whispers to me..."that's normal''...."that's why I am here!"
"I Do test your faith in Me----and just as it is written in Isaiah 41:10, thousands of years ago---I still ask that you......'Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed for I am thy God' I will strengthen you; yes, I will help you; yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness."
****My moment of truth has come---surgery time. In child like faith...with a deep feeling of humility, intimidation and insignificance---Because He lives----I can/will CHOOSE to cling to His promises to get me through this horror. I do not take lightly that He chose awesome people to build careers around medical restoration and research that brings HOPE to hurting people everywhere. ......"to ME! Tomorrow---I test their skills.
Today, I lean on Him---- He is thee Creator & Giver of all good and perfect gifts.
The following verses WASH over THIS 'grain of sand' (me) and sends courage.... to handle the deep waters of a thousand emotions, through the darkness of this night, this hour and moment in time. And forever--- for each of us who believe. Some people have Favorite verses...which is super...but I have found that there are SO many that FILL the voids and situations in my life...that it's really hard to choose a constant favorite. Today's need...brings to mind a certain Scriptures---tomorrows needs bring forth another. these are my RIGHT NOW verses. ha ha---Help, Lord!!!!
Hebrews 13:6 The Lord is my Helper; I will not be seized with alarm---I will not fear, or dread or be terrified!
Luke 12:32 Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, my child, for it is God's good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Also....FEAR is the beginning of WISDOM. (yes, Lord, I am trying to learn fast!)
Psalms 23 (my first memorized verses as a child in Vacation Bible School) constantly rings in my ears...my heart and my soul. For He IS my Savior...Salutation.
The Lord is my Shepherd.......I shall not want....

May we all, as His aimless sheep, constantly seek His voice in our Wilderness walk through Life. If it be His will...I will return to this blog in about 3 weeks. May You continue to be blessed.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
"Fear Not!"..... or.....Fear a Lot??? ha ha

Please, Lord, forgive me for being Mortal!
Today---I fear not death----I fear life!

Thinking back---its somewhat funny---at the time, HORRIFIC! That handsome young doctor was one scared/shocked young man! But we had an AWESOME set of very experienced nursing staff that immediately TOOK charge as best possible.
And...As the Doctors later stated----'we don 't know WHY the bleeding STARTED....but we have to admit we DO KNOW WHY it stopped....and it wasn't a medical miracle...there was a GREATER Source for this one!