As Jim and I wander around this year ....trying to live long enough to celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary in December...we find that we laugh constantly...at the stupidest junk under the sun. It's a good thing...this thing called laughter....but even WE wonder/wander ....ha ha... ''are we doing this out of our SURVIVAL instincts...or are things.... REALLY that funny?".
Maybe we have BOTH just 'lost it' together...because we are constantly... daily... laughing our stupid heads off at big things...little things...everything. (ourselves as much as others).
Each night at supper it seems we spend much toooo much time...reviewing...our ('Jeff Foxworthy') ...events of our day...you know STUPID stuff that happened that day. (our OWN blunders/flops, etc)
Sometimes it's just plain stupid people...and SOMETIMES...it's SMART people saying and doing absolutely STUPID stuff.
Sometimes it's to the point that you wanta say, "knock, knock...are YOU in there?" : )
Naturally----I AM NOT referring to ANY ONE who READS MY BLOG. HAHAHAHAHAHA (you know me better than that! or at least I hope so anyway ha ha)
Yes....since I am NOW a senior citizen...., yes, I camp out.... daily in some sort of manner with my beloved friends...SENIOR CITIZENS.
(some are a bit senile...some a whole bunch.... and some super awesome...... and my Lord knows that I treasure each one!
It's just that some make me laugh because of WHAT they say/do...sometimes it's intentional... good old wise humor...and yet....some speak in humor and greatest entertainment...... and THEY DON'T even know it.
(hummm, is there a mirror around here somewhere...mercy I hope not.)
But the funny part about aging...or least with Jim & me...we 'fall out' in laughter...just trying to do 'everyday things'...such as help each other 'get to bed' at night. We can easily laugh til we cry...however.... instead of the HOT romance of years gone by...it's truly... panting for a breath of air...you know real oxygen---that wonderful stuff that keeps us alive....give me my darn breathing MACHINE and "shut up...your confounded laughing and popping old age jokes about our physical inadequacies. compromises, & comparisons with our high school prom night or wedding night...both of which drew zero's even back then---though 2 children later... proves the electric current was always there...even tho, today....(oh, mercy, I shant go there)...or I'll be laughing again in hysterics... and not be able to complete my blog. Anyway....The fire's still there...the memories as well....but as anyone over 50 can tell you... just like your car....'sometimes...ya need new tires.' ha ha enough on that.
But life has been wonderful...we have been so very, very blessed throughout our wonderful 2 years of being popular high school sweethearts and 50 years of wandering over 'hill and dale' together...in the moonlight...in the hot summer heat and a whole heck of a lot of winter storms/ice...snow...HAIL...regardless how you spell it. (these are 'the LEARNING times, you know) ha..... We have learned a lot together on this 50 year journey....but the best part is that the JOY out numbers the sorrow and that's what counts. We are sooo very blest!
*poeticly said...
I thank God for our laughter....it's carried us through the years..
I thank God for my troubles....erased by His special gift of tears...
I thank God for my unmerited worries.... with His Grace for my sorrow...
For so greatly He has blest ....my yesterday, my today....and my tomorrow .
Now before I get all mushy here in my poetic world that I love...below is the purpose of this blog...to make you smile and have a chuckle for the day. My Blessings, in His love, glory-b
Wisdom comes through the years.....wise things to Ponder!
Trouble in marriage often starts when a man gets so busy earnin' his salt..... that he forgets his sugar.
Too many couples marry for better, or for worse, but not for good!
When a man marries a woman, they become one;
but trouble starts when they try to decide 'which one'.
Whether a man winds up with a nest egg....or a big fat goose egg...
depends a lot on the kind of chick that he marries
If a man has enough horse sense to treat his wife like a thoroughbred,
she will never turn into an old nag!
On anniversaries, the wise husband always forgets the past---but never the present...
Only a foolish husband will say to his wife; "Honey, you stick to the washin', ironin', cookin' and scrubbin'. No wife of mine is gonna work.
Many girls like to marry a military man - he can cook, sew, and make beds and is in good health, and he already used to taking orders.
Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it.
Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me, I want people to know 'why' I look this way. I've traveled a long way and some of the roads weren't even paved!
How old would you be..... if you didn't know how old you are?
You know you are getting old, when everything either dries up or leaks.
Old age is when former classmates are so gray and wrinkled...
and bald that they don't even recognize you.
(hope you found one or two that gave you a laugh---TWMA--have a happy day, everyday!) g
1 comment:
The kids really enjoyed the professor Sox pictures! I think there should be some kind of major award given to people who stay married and reach the 50 yr. mark. That appears to be a near impossible accomplishent from where I am standing! Incomprenhensible actually.
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