the Cougars arise again...
wow...canya believe it?Where did the time go? How can it be? May 16 was an awesome memorial date for my beloved and me! FINALLY ...our HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION! (and now they tell us that it has been 50 LONG YEARS! That seems absolutely Impossible!
Yes, now I am planning ANOTHER PARTY...one of my favorite things to do in life. I love planning reunions for our class, our school, our family, friends and groups....I JUST LOVE to plan parties.
Naturally...in planning the party....I've called and spent hours on the phone with all the old (ouch) classmates and friends....and families. What fun! Everyone's life has been so different, but ever so interesting, each in their own way!
Some have been awesomely blest... while others have been the greatest blessing...even when the ladder they had to climb in life had a lot of broken rungs...and some even collapsed during the 'paint job' itself. (ha ha)
But they are still tops and have a special Message to Man from God by just their walk through life. Each Special.
I have had the absolute JOY of blessing my dear, dear friend who is in the depths of descending Alzheimer's disease....whom... in a broken voice and flowing unstoppable tears of brokenness...she cries and shares how HORRIBLE this dreaded diseases is to accept...to live...to endure...even with God...with prayer...with dear family and friends. PTL...she has always been one of the most devoted Christians that I have known throughout the years...but again---ONLY GOD can really know the depths/heartache/pain of ANY disease. Pain is truly not something that can be explained. It comes to us physically, mentally, spiritally by forms... but millions of ways. But it is NEVER FUN!
My friend has had her car keys taken away....so sadly....because she has always been so independent ....driving in the impossible Houston traffic with ease for years. After a very successful life, they now live in an awesome new home in rural private estates--country life atmosphere... She built her own beautiful 'little prayer garden' to God's glory...where she spends her favorite times. (she's always made Him an altar in her home thru the years) Physically, she is tiny in stature... but she is a giant in her Chrisitianity.
The day she lost her car keys, started off innocent. She simply went to the nearby grocery story for a can of tomato soup. The store was only about 5 blocks away....and SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY....she found herself in northwest Houston...about 100 miles away...driving around ...not knowing where in the world that she was...what she was doing???
With greatest humor and laughter...she so cutely tells that she saw a POLICE CAR and so she stopped her car and him....and told him, 'Sir...I have Alzheimers and I am LOST, WILL YOU TAKE ME HOME?"
She said the man was soooo very nice....took her keys---which she handed to him first...he looked into her glove compartment for her insurance information/address--(she couldn't even remember her own address/name/phone number.
Thus the policeman kindly TOOK her home....100 miles away. (as she said she 'rambled on and on in embarrassment and graditude to him...and kept telling herself to 'shut-up' but she couldn't shutup.)
Later her son went back to Houston and got her car.
But on our phone call she went on, very acutely & shared about 'this freaky/horrible disease of confusion... her constant fear...horror, desparation, confusion and being so ashamed and guilty....for a disease that she has absolutely no control over even by taking tons of medications...that so often don't work.
Equally important to share.. because EVERY human being needs to know and realize the horrors of this dreaded disease. Throughout our years...50...of friendship....and esp. since she has been told about having this disease....she has constantly told me about 'how awesome and wonderful that her husband...our school mate &...dear friend from childhood....about HOW GREAT he was to her in taking care...helping her...his kind heart, love, etc. etc.
Yesterday however, her first words...(remember the disease)....'Oh, Gloria, I am so glad that you called, (over, over & over) ....you have no idea but all I have been thinking about is you.... and I WISH I HAD MARRIED YOUR HUSBAND...I know ...with all my heart that he would be so kind to me and not like my husband. My husband is soooo mean....soooo this ....that....on and on ....and on & on it went....
All the opposite of 2 months ago...and years of past. The disease had her tears... rampant...I say disease because....NO way....was this my old friend. (yes, the good part...but not the negatives... that have OVERTAKEN her once positive brain cells of appreciation. This disease is unspeakably horrible. It tortures everyone that cares for you...plus you!
Needless to say...my response was stuff that only God could bring forth....humor...old memories and silly jokes/events of the past ...things that she dearly loved....dearly needed...severely deserved. She was roaring in laughter. Her tears turned to those of hilarious joy... and memories that 'just NEEDED to be brought back INTO her brain...for survival. (I have to say...it was such a joy for me as well. So wonderful to hear her laughter once again...as we had as kids...as young MOM's...as retirees. Wow, God is so good, while satan is so rotten!
My heart very deeply went out to her poor husband (along with my friends own dear hurts and heart)....because most likely.... he is giving or has GIVEN HIS ALL ..or all that he CAN give..but this disease won't let her see/realize the truth. This is certainly a case where DEAFNESS is a blessing. (he was a very successful Houston Contractor building sky scrapers, lost hearing due to jackhammers.)
Anyway, today, I just wanted to pay a special tribute in writing to all dear families who are hit by this wicked disease that steals the human brain first...then the body... then the life---but regardless.... for my friend....GOD has her forever!
Also, another of my phone calls to another classmate was where I found her also crying as well because they had just called to tell her that her beloved brother (our neighbor) had just died also.... from Alzheimers. He, too, has suffered for about 8 years...along with his family.
So, again in that phone call, God allowed me to minister with MEMORIES of funny events that we had all done back in our youth and childhood days. Again, God turned sorrow to laughter. If I could say 'what I learned yesterday....it would have to be....'TREASURE EVERY MEMORY of life---esp the funny stuff'....because someday you may be able to HELP somebody else (even 50 or 60 years down the line..ha ha) get through their bad time or horrible health situations. We never know how we will be called upon to 'be God's instrument' to help and heal our brothers, sisters, friends, enemies and strangers.
So...for the party....it's STILL ON. Our Lord wants us all to 'make the best of everyday' and.... SO.... we, Old cougars....OLD cheerleaders...Old football, basketball and baseball players, OLD HIGH SCHOOL FRIENDS....and EVEN.... our favorite homeroom TEACHER...(who is also in stage 5 cancer and my best buddy/friend...but fighting like a warrior) .........
We chose to have a simple Dinner together, followed by a small River Boat Tour/Trip of the beautiful beloved Brazos River. (remember the song..."Across the Brazos at Waco"...well, that's our plan. ha ha) (we've done this a couple of times before in our family and it is so wonderful and beautiful...peaceful drifting along....
oooops I drifted off...just thinking about it. ha ha
Well, we'll update the blog later down the line...after the event.
Meantime...may God bless your day ....in a very special way.
Please remember to pray for all those in need....as well as for...YOU and Me. hugs/smiles. g
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