Saw this 'meme' on my daughters blog and then she telephoned...asked me to 'do' this. So, 'just for the fun of it....and because she asked....I SHALL PARTAKE OF THIS JOY thereof. ha ha :-D
I am thinking: how addictive are the joys of the 'computer world'...(you know...facebook friends, blogs, prayer lines/inspirationals, testimonies, politics, angels and crooks, punkjunk, tons of jokes )... and yet...some of God's richest of blessings. :-D (I love it...or I wouldn't even know it WAS addictive. ha ha)
I am thankful for: everything good. (this page nor computer...or my time....can truly COVER all that I am sooo thankful for. Only God knows....and after all, guess that's what counts for all of us....smile
From the kitchen: wafting aroma of fresh cooking beef, onion, potatoes & veggies...encircle my head from a new pot of stew.... brewing for hubby...who just called me on the cell phone with excitement of watching a 'drug bust' in action on S. 340, complete w/DPS, deputies, cops, swat...all with guns drawn--- of all kinds. How exciting is that....a pot of stew here....or 'pot' crew causing a stew there? :-D lol...
I'm wearing: oh mercy...my beloved old purple 'Cancer Survivor' tee shirt, jeans and my favorite fuzzy, flannel, 'hunters' shirt. So cozy.... :-D
I'm creating: poetry and computer cards for friends who enjoy being remembered and some who are 'seldom remembered by others'. I love creating my own cards...with their name...or their pictures with dinky little poetic chatter that ONLY they would/could enjoy. :-D It's personal ...they seem to love it ....and I really love doing it. fun fun fun
I'm going: to TRY to be better at accomplishing a jillion things this year....but hey, I have also, chosen to NOT beat myself up with guilt if I don't... I feel that God just wants me to treasure what I have, take better care of that....and do my best to see that other people have a blessing THROUGH me each time we meet....(in person or computer) That's a sincere prayer for me!
I'm reading: my Bible...not because of a MANdate...but because I always feel 'connected closer and touched' by God/Christ when I do. I love to journal my thoughts when I am doing this. I have ton's of composition books packed with the above. It has helped me become 'a Survivor of cancer, twice and get thru a million miserable issues that I didn't feel that I deserved, but was given. I encourage both...the reading and the writing. healthy fun. (oh yes...and I am not making fun...of churches or Bible Study groups that set their New Years goal 'to read through the Bible this year". That's always tops.)
I'm hoping: That I can achieve the above....plus another jillion major things for loved ones who are caught in some mighty hectic life situations...that THEY TOO did not ask for or deserve. :-(
I'm hearing: Red Birds and sparrows singing outside my windows....along with cars and 'truckers' going down the highway in front of my beloved home on the hillside---at 80 to 90 miles per hour at least. 70 on road sign...hummm. :-D Instrumental music is my fav ESCAPE TV channel that is also playing softly from the living room. (it lifts me to heaven when I am not yet dead...ha ha, how neat is that?) :-D
Around the house: One gigantic Tom cat is SNORING....and two--- half grown-- kittens are constantly trying to get my attention by getting ON the computer table...in the window sill...near me... where they look outside & dribble 'cat spit' from tiny quiver lips..DREAMING... of desirous/DElicious .. Red birds and sparrows for an afternoon snack. ha ha Truly is 'wishful thinking'. (the other day....one of these kittens actually 'batted his paw way up in the open air/sky...when he saw a BUZZARD silently flying overhead. We nearly died laughing--- poor thing just KNEW he was going to bat that buzzard down to the earth--checking that dude out.)
One of my favorite things right now: Warmer weather. After temps dipped to around 5 degrees a couple of nights ago----dear Father, thank You for Texas Sunshine and the hope for Spring.
A few plans for the week: my favorite groups have meetings. The retired Missionary group will have a luncheon, along with the WBA Pastors and Ministry leaders, the favorite....Baylor University Senior Choir has tons of new plans for this week and this Semester. Love my friends...about 100 in our choir. I've been there for ten years now....(since,..back when my Mom passed away & I joined because I missed her so much) and this was a wonderful transition for me---plus it added new power to my cancerous lungs that were destroyed by both Cancer and Staph infections that wiped out my immune system. I love performing in our concerts all over Central Texas, across the State and esp. the annual out-of-state Tours. We are headed for Oklahoma in April for a few days of entertaining numerous places: OK bombing site, Fed. sites, Cowboy Hall of Fame, many churches and retirement homes, etc.
Now if you'd like to play the above game...highlight, copy and paste it...erase my answers and have fun doing your own thing....it was a fun thing. Surprise...ha ha
Hope I didn't bore ya to tears. Life needs a little zest every once in while...do something different. Regardless, just have fun in whatever ya do.
Wasn't that fun??! Thanks for doing it!
I'd delete that last comment to be safe since it's in Chinese and I don't think they know you. Weird.
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