Is there really ANYTHING greater than our salvation through Jesus Christ?
No, not really

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for your Entry into the city on a carpet of
green palm leaves on Palm Sunday...but thank you most of all for
YOUR SACRIFICE and suffering (for me & the whole world) where you laid down a RED carpet of YOUR Blood on a hillside called Golgotha--for us---for ONLY through you.... we are truly 'saved by your blood'---our sins erased. How can words really express this? Works can't do it! Humble and Grateful are we!!!
Yes, it's so wonderful how God blesses us daily with zillions of awesome gifts and blessings....but it still all boils down to our Alph and our Omega....our beginning and our end. He creates us in our beginning and takes us home in our earthly ending---as followers/believers... forever. Wow, how great is THAT?
HE IS the Alpha and the Omega...and
He made us in His! PLUS, sometimes it's mind boggling just to know that ---God is Love...that
Love comes in a jillion forms and ways. We ARE so blessed. It's
'All about Him'....and not about us---
yet WE are the ones that are blessed.I LOVE this time of year...all Glory to God!
Yesterday was Palm Sunday and our awesome church had the greatest EVER
....'Living Lord's Supper". So annointed and touching. I was 'doubly blest" because when I went in... I was physically hurting and sitting was not helping the matter and equally....I was sort of sad beforehand.... because at the same time as we were absorbed in our Worship in our home church....our little Chinese granddaughter was ALSO being baptised in her parents church in another city---and we were unable to attend. Life is what it is and we have to accept what we cannot change in life...but that doesn't erase emotions. But the most touching Living Lords Supper itself meant twice as much yesterday... as it would have originally---- and those that know me...know that to me .....
Easter is the greatest celebration of Lord's 'Living sacrifice" is the TOP of everything!!! Period.... He didn't have to....He Chose to. He gave HIS all for me ...for you. Eternal life is HIS free gift....simply called by that beautiful word "Grace". (such a small COVER soooooo much!)

Millions of people have drawn... painted....and actors portrayed the above picture but the truth's all a 'guessing game' to how the disciples sat, what they said---- but,,,on the other hand... there IS NO question about it---- when
YOU FEEL HIM in your heart, mind and soul. Ya know whatcha know! Bless His Holy Name!
"Not my will...but Thine, Oh Lord"...the gasping prayer of Jesus in the garden on his last night. How tortured He must have been! Sweat drops as blood...yet He said 'not my will but yours'...Father----------
This has been a repeated phrase that I have spoken over my life many, many times, especially when things were totally chaos. One very special time was back when my dear Mom was 94 years old, in a nursing home, on her death bed and we were told that she would not live through the night.
That night I quickly penned a poem that I named this title. Much to my surprise and joy the poem later won 5th in the nation of 100's of thousands of entrants and that 20 line poem is 'suppose' to be in Washington DC Library of Congress. The neatest part is that my poem that was written straight from the heart as a prayer---- that it was truly answered miraculously by God...because the next morning....
My little Mom was 'sitting up in bed EATING breakfast with a big smile, awaiting my arrival!!! (she had NOT eaten in over a week!) She almost lived to see her hundredth birthday. As she taught..."Not my will...but Thine oh, Lord!" Thank you, Jesus, for everything!

Is there anyone who has NOT been betrayed by friends? Not likely...but JESUS? The Savior, the healer of the blind, the deaf, crippled and raising those from the dead...Why?
Jealousy...the green eyed monster of earth! Fear...the blackened snake of darkness. Both HISS of evil even today. They THINK they killed Jesus---
but Jesus CHOSE to die ....for our sins. He chose to suffer in our place.Yes, Praise God----Jesus knows first handedly
what we all go through in life---he's been there. All praise and honor to His Holy name for
still being there today to help US go through trials and problems.

THE STONE WAS ROLLED AWAY! The TOMB is empty. He LIVES. I can face tomorrow 'BECAUSE HE LIVES'. I can do all things through Him and His name.
This Easter...May each of you enjoy all the man made celebrations of New life....bunnies, baby chicks, fresh flowers, birds, butterflies & even bumblebees...Easter Eggs and maybe even FAKE GRASS/eggs in your Easter basket. ha ha May you laugh at the crazy things little kids do. (or adults) ha ha May all the COLORS of the CROSS help us all to remember the great LOVE that Jesus had to have in order to ENDure the payment for OUR sins.
May THIS Easter celebration bring you the GREATEST JOY.... greatest reflection and Rememberance of His life, his death....and most of all His Resurrection!
Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ!