We had the joy of traveling a couple of weekends ago (on Valentines Day) to see our son & daughter-in-law and 3 little energy boxes, often referred to as kiddoes. ha ha Oh, how my BODY in it's old age and medicated world... wanted to borrow some of their energy & power.
We had a blast. They were the very GREATEST of host & hostesses...each and all. Wonderful awesome 'steaks by son' and over all yummy foods and decorations!!!

We had the greatest pleasure of going for an awesome mornings drive...perfect day...clear skies/sunshine...to see the great Indian territory of Buffalo Gap--where BOTH the Indians and our early pioneering Texans drove herds of buffalo BETWEEN two mountains in order to slaughter. Sadly...the Indians did so for FOOD...and the early cowboys did it 'just for the MONEY that the buffalo hides would bring.
Then we traveled on--up and down valleys---at an awesome speed of 90 mph---no other traffic ANYWHERE folks....(this Grama had a blast teaching her grandkids...how to FLY and sing as we raced DOWN each empty valley...and then to 'groan' as we climbed UP the next mountain. The Kids adored it...as my OWN used to do when they were little). Then the JOY of seeing the beauty of the awesome flat top mountain and eventually to see the massive WIND FARMS of gigantic wind turbines/mills...as tall as buildings---covering every mountain, for as far as you could see---which seemed like FOREVER. So neat.... Remarkable site...remarkable science.
Then we traveled on--up and down valleys---at an awesome speed of 90 mph---no other traffic ANYWHERE folks....(this Grama had a blast teaching her grandkids...how to FLY and sing as we raced DOWN each empty valley...and then to 'groan' as we climbed UP the next mountain. The Kids adored it...as my OWN used to do when they were little). Then the JOY of seeing the beauty of the awesome flat top mountain and eventually to see the massive WIND FARMS of gigantic wind turbines/mills...as tall as buildings---covering every mountain, for as far as you could see---which seemed like FOREVER. So neat.... Remarkable site...remarkable science.

Above is family on top of a mountain viewing the wind turbines...awesome sight and hard to visualize the vastness of it all.
Additionally another fun venture we did with the kids....was VISIT ....Prairie Dog Town!!! This is something that I have always loved since our own kids were little. We often visited the one south of San Marcos. These little animals are so cute and so entertaining! It was all such fun that it was hard to come back home...to the every day things of life. And yes, I AM very, very grateful for LIFE...but isn't fun to just 'break away' and do something different once in a while. We had such fun.

After our wonderful adventure...I simply went 'Kaputttt'. So, I was grateful that my daughter in law chose to write a wonderful blog about our great weekend. Her pictures helped me 'get through' the jet lag and swim in the "froggie" water of medications & hurting physically. ha ha
I have written poetry since Jr high about animals/bugs and loved to watch people reaction as they read. Sometimes poetry....like songs/music.... are funny...sometimes wise...and sometimes sad or lonely. The last two ....come much too often for people who have pain---
(and isn't it so doggone hard to 'fake it' and when somebody ask you, 'how are you doing'... and you know darn well they really don't want to hear the truth...so you don't tell the truth and simply say "oh fine" Sic joke.. hahahaha We humans are so 'off-the-wall' in some things. But at least its fun to be able to laugh at ourselves.
Amuzingly...I read once that a Cynic is a person who smells 'flowers' and quickly looks around the room for the 'casket'. ha ha
Amuzingly...I read once that a Cynic is a person who smells 'flowers' and quickly looks around the room for the 'casket'. ha ha
Mercy...that's the last thing I want to be...but sometimes---I AM...I have to admit...I see more caskets than I smell the awesome flowers of life. ha ha Esp. when I hurt. And from talking to a jillion people from all walks of life....who trust me and tell me their problems ....& ask for my advise or prayers....often both---I know...for sure--- that I'm not alone. ha ha
A couple of months ago the doctors tv show said 'that it takes us 70 HOURS to physically overcome just one NEGATIVE thought. Whew...that's tough. I have some friends who could 'certainly... use a TIME OUT. HA HA....(they are the type of people that make ME count my blessings really quick...ha ha) And I can honestly say that I am thankful that most of my real friends are not like that---it helps me Not to be, as well.
They also went on to say that it takes us at least 21 days to stop an old bad habit and to start a new one. (why can't these two things be a little more BALANCED. HA HA) ---I'm sure that I stretch those numbers to the max---- it takes me years...not days...since I still....know my bad habits...I just can't seem to get to the... 21 days. ha ha)
So this morning, when I found the following poem about two little FROGs and I loved it's wisdom that it so cutely reflects.....and I couldn't help but think...'thanks Lord...I need this one today!
I love cute graphics and little animals...and poetry. (maybe this will brighten your day as well...with a cute closing: ....burr-ribbet, burribet....)
A couple of months ago the doctors tv show said 'that it takes us 70 HOURS to physically overcome just one NEGATIVE thought. Whew...that's tough. I have some friends who could 'certainly... use a TIME OUT. HA HA....(they are the type of people that make ME count my blessings really quick...ha ha) And I can honestly say that I am thankful that most of my real friends are not like that---it helps me Not to be, as well.
They also went on to say that it takes us at least 21 days to stop an old bad habit and to start a new one. (why can't these two things be a little more BALANCED. HA HA) ---I'm sure that I stretch those numbers to the max---- it takes me years...not days...since I still....know my bad habits...I just can't seem to get to the... 21 days. ha ha)
So this morning, when I found the following poem about two little FROGs and I loved it's wisdom that it so cutely reflects.....and I couldn't help but think...'thanks Lord...I need this one today!
I love cute graphics and little animals...and poetry. (maybe this will brighten your day as well...with a cute closing: ....burr-ribbet, burribet....)

Two little frogs fell into a can of cream,
Or...at least...so it was told.
The sides of the can were shiny and steep,
The cream was deep and very, very cold.
"Oh, what's the Use?" said frog number one,
"Tis Fate...there's certainly no help around.
Good-bye, my friend! Good-bye sad world!''
And while weeping loudly....the little frog drowned.
Frog number two...of sterner stuff...
Began to 'dog paddle'...with vigor and surprise,
Then wiped away his Creamy face...
and he tried to dry his Creamy eyes...
He thought "At least I will swim for a while"
Or so the story went and so it was said...
"After all it really wouldn't help the world much...
If one more FROG was dead!" ***
For hours the frog kicked and swam,
And not once did he stop to mutter....
But he kicked and swam...and kicked and swam...
Then quickly he HOPPED right OUT....via the BUTTER!
(We gotta keep kicking, gotta keep swimming ---be safe, be happy & be blest

1 comment:
This was good! Loved the shot of the strawberries and avacados makes me very ungry for them right now! Well, I'm not even taking medicine and I have to crash to rejuvinate- I wasn't kidding about needing a nap! Although, my mother wasn't very impressed with my napping after the wood hauling this weekend- haha- I had plenty of room for negative- but I don't have the energy to waste on it=) Love the buttery frog!
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