This is an exciting time of the year...a time to reflect...maybe regret... but also one to celebrate the good, the joy and even with bad things happening to everyone at some point or another. We are still so blessed...because it could have certainly been so much worse. ---America look to the war fronts and poverty all over this earth!
Today, as I personally look backwards, I know this was one of my greatest years of blessings....but through the experience, I also have to quickly say that it has also been one of the MOST PHYSICALLY PAINFUL years of my life. Awful, and a large amount of that time feeling alone and very insignificant. Pain does that to people very quickly, especially if hope depletes. Daily I try to joke and use humor, just for the fun of making other people laugh...but also for the selfish feeling of having fun inspite of the pain. Thus, people like me, create their own 'circle of woe' because when you laugh---other people disregard your hurts, your suffering when you really need them the most. Isn't that a crazy cycle and yet I am not alone in doing this coverup, ha ha.
As seen on my previous blogs...I've had an awesome year of celebrating our wonderful 50th wedding anniversary, a marvelous Thanksgiving and absolutely wonderful Christmas with family and friends. It simply could NOT have been ANY BETTER ...except for the physical pain. However the pain DOES make a person LOVE the JOY far, far more than they would have...if it had not been there! Good memories help to bring hope to the hopeless.
Yesterday, January 1st, 2009, hubby and I went to see the movie "Marley & Me" and tears upon tears....as parts of this cute movie brought back memories of our childhood and years of raising our kids and all our tons of precious beloved pets along the way. After the movie we were talking about the difference in the world back in our childhood & today. We agreed that Pets...are the bestest (haha) and neatest little 'side-effect' gift that God gives to mankind. they can be wonderful and they CAN BE AWFUL sometimes---but for the most part they are one of the BEAUTIFUL part of life and make great memories. My hubby laughed when I said it was sort of like my analysis of last year, America 2008 --(top dogs down to dirty dogs)-as I shared that ...like Marley & me movie was funny, touching and sad all at the same time...and like our Country---- it is totally AMAZING to me that...

We really ARE such A GREAT, GREAT NATION....but...
Today..."Gay" people fight in the courts to "GET MARRIED" (not God's choice)"
Straight'' people NO LONGER believe in marriage... (prefer sin & it's OK)
Girls (teenagers esp.) have numerous illegitimate babies, records breaking ABORTIONS & unwanted births, thus eventual records of numerous ABUSED little children, turned on to drugs, historically filling every prison systems in our nation... with children (as young as 8 years old) and adult parents (who SHOULD be working and providing for their children)----
Meanwhile---even sadder to say--- thousands of heartbroken, CHILDLESS, educated, WORKING COUPLES......BEG to ADOPT... but CANNOT ....due to ridiculous COST, FEES, RACKETEERING AND GOVERNMENTAL LAWS AND STUPIDITY THEREOF!
Equally as crazy is that everyday, in our wonderful country---home of the FREE---protesters continue to block roadways, work places; wasting millions of dollars and MAN hours SCREAMING discontent and lies---ignoring the fact that constantly--(while they protests---) morally corrupt TERRORISTIC plots are being stopped and defused BY wonderful leaders (known and unknown CIA/soldiers---working all over this earth--- American who LAY DOWN THEIR LIVES for Our freedom, for us....FOR THEM--- (totally UNKNOWN to John & Mary PUBLIC--who sit down to a warm table of food, pretty homes of safety...that are protected, with latest of modern technology, science, medicines...appliances, vehicles, fuel, and clothes on our backs---) PROTESTERS INCLUDED.
These BRAVE, DEDICATED people lay down their lives daily so that "dung for brains protesters" can have the freedom to SPEAK and WRITE...lies or criticism AGAINST our leaders, our Generals, soldiers). No America is not perfect but it IS the GREATEST and most charitable NATION on Earth....and yes, it GIVES away to other nations triple all other nations...and that EXcludes our mission charity groups gifts to feed, clothe, water, medicine... other starving nations by 10 fold. Not to overlook all the world earth/weather DISASTERS.
So....Do these critics ever stop to think....that IF it were not for these leaders....that
AMERICA could/would BE the WAR front of blood shed, pain, suffering, death and destruction and FEAR beyond human belief!

So, for 2009.... THANK YOU, DEAR GOD...for every leader, soldier, construction worker, missionary and liberator ...(at home or abroad)...who TRIES!!! And Lord, forgive the Fruitcakes that are filled with more nuts than a pecan tree...for truly....'they know not what they do'....and Lord if they do, ---please help/convict/convert hearts that refuse to see YOUR HAND . (We still love 'em anyway...warts & all. : ) ~~
However, I cannot say the above without also saying that as most of my co-hearts express, 'let us all pray this new year for our new president and new staff, our nation, little children, the hungry, hurting, helpless and homeless---where ever they are on this earth. This is my resolution for the New Year 2009. This I CAN do.
I have been blessed....and if by praying...I would like to BE a blessing.
And if I can actively DO something to help another....I pray that God will give the strength, physical & mental ability to carry it out.
I would hope that in 2009 that....
I can be THANKFUL for Everything...

I can be PRAYFUL about All Things....
and through Jesus Christ....I CAN DO (all) ANYTHING!!!
Happy New Year ....2009

Smile and be blessed!
We had a great time at Christmas and Thanksgiving as well.
Your so right about all the stuff that is going on now- and with the promise to get worse as it looks..
I had to laugh about teenage pregnacy thing- You know I am a huge advocate of that now? I spent many years vol counselor right there in Waco for the teenage pregnancy council and advocate center and now looking back- hey- I totally believe its far better to do children while a teen and early twenties than to try do this crap at nearly 40! Everyone has their life planned out don't they? "Waiting to start their families in their perfect timing" a World of convienence. I hate that I was one of those- controlling my lifers! You hit on many topics- war, one of them I almost hate to say it, isn't it nice to see Israel stepping up and showing them who's boss? Now the biggee will we continue to protect and back them(Israel)? I pray so.
Wouldn't it be nice instead of isn't - is what I meant about Israel-
Thanks for the reply...and yes, scripture quite openly says that ISRAEL is going to 'rule in the end'...and as the pop song of old used to say..."Their day will come" hummmm
(just hope Christians and Jews work TOGETHER as nations to keep that faith.... because Historically 1948 and 1967 Battles won by Israel...re-instates & proves that the Scriptures 3000 years ago) were true & right on target today. hummm
(as believers...let's enjoy watching the Eastern sky...as God LOVES to surprise his people and the world) He has the Perfect plan (and perfect desert storm)...
And as to the statistic of todays teen record 0f having so many unplanned, most often unwanted babies/ pregnancies, plus low to no morals; abortions/murdering 1000s per day , followed by abusive parenting skills, no education, thus welfare lifestyles, no jobs, drug use,alcohol addictions. so many kids & adults in prison --stats/records makes the truth very clear...
No the unmarried, pregnant teens have NOT proven to be better Moms than the average, more mature women who take time to grow up, get jobs,gain greater wisdom & knowledge by experience, marry (as God's Biblical plan teaches) and have children a little later in life...20 snd above---and NOT where ''babies are not raising babies'(usually on welfare or a grandparent partial mom)...just Moms without knowledge of how to properly raise/protect the innocent babies life for 18 years.
And like God said, "people suffer ...because of the LACK of KNOWLEDGE" and average teen moms are a perfect example.
(and besides s fun fact about you speaking of being 40 year old Mom in crap: just remember....today's 40 yr old woman is yesterdays 30 years old..haha) (or maybe even 58 yrs (yikes) since that too is now a medical fact. glad it wasn't me. ha ha
But my point was simply that statistics have repeatedly shown that teenage or immature moms are still kids themselves,,, and in todays world, their baby's end up 'paying the sad and costly price" for their young parents lifestyles & poor choices...& most often THROUGHOUT their children's lives. I have spent a lifetime working directly. one to one. with both sides and I dearly love them all to pieces but the truth remains truth.
Ignorance is not bliss...snd it is so sad on both sides of the spectrum. But it also doesn't mean that blessings don't come out of these precious ones.
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