Hubby and I are excited as we and about 50 friends are about to leave together by bus and go to 'what's left of Galveston"...transfer onto a neat Carnival ship for a Caribbean cruise. As our travel agency met with all of us the other day for snacks, snickers and signings---I came across the following cute and almost scary thing below and thought you'd enjoy reading the humor.... to start off your new year. Everybody can use a laugh or two.
For our upcoming cruise, we have a hilarious Hostess (who is ironically, one of my Childhood friends ....all the way back to 4-H competitions in elementary school---isn't that coincidental)---- She BEGAN with greatest sincerity &.... WARNED us all---right off the bat...that."as IN-LANDERS....please, people.... STAY AWAY from the side railings of the ship!!! " I'm taking 53 people and want to return with 53. ha ha And also since the news is filled with the story of the "lady that 'went OVER BOARD"..(unknown presently if by her desire or someone else's design).....but from...ME and Carnival Cruise Line, please know that this is not a requirement of the cruise line or the travel agencies involved. "
(ha you can bet on that part)
This problem. however is not a worry to us...there are tons of things to do/see----(tho this really was a very, very sad/horrible situation). We love to vacation by cruise ships and look forward to this one as well. As most of you know this is part of our 50th wedding anniversary celebration. We were also planning to use up hubby's extra vacation week later on in the Spring ....and FLY on a neat excursion vacation... (that my beloved niece who is an American Airlines Flight Attendant and always gives us offers for 'special deals'). Buuuut...after I picked up this following cutie below... about the top 10 AIRLINE announcements---I am now a wee bit apprehensive. ha ha read on....and YOU might see why.... haha
Top 10 Announcements made on AIRLINES.....

1. "Welcome aboard Southwest Airlines. In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, oxygen masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, and place it over your face!"
2. "Please use caution when opening the overhead bin. After a horrible landing like this, you can be certain your luggage has shifted."
3. "Thanks for choosing TWA. We ask you to please remain seated as Captain Kangaroo bounces us to the terminal."
4. "Thank you for flying Delta Business Express. We hope you enjoyed giving us the business, as much as we enjoyed taking you for a ride!"
5. "Thank you for flying the friendly skies of United. Last one off the plane cleans it!"
6. "Please remember your cushion can be used for flotation. In the event of an emergency water landing, please take the cushion----compliments of Reno Airways.
7. ...after a high-speed landing in Phoenix, Arizona---"Whoa, Big Fella, Whoa!"
8. "This is a NONsmoking flight. If you MUST smoke, please step out on the wing and watch our in-flight movie, "Gone with the Wind".
9. "As you exit, please remember----there are 50 ways to leave your lover---but only 4 ways out of this airplane!"
10. "At American Airlines, we are pleased to have some of the very best fight attendants in the industry...Unfortunately, none are on this flight!"
Would this NOT make a person think twice. ha ha Have a happy day and may your next flight be the greatest and safest ever! We'll be 'cruising' for a while and let ya know later on if we had any interesting encounters of the unknown! Be blessed. Areeeba, Areeeba!