50 Golden Years of marriage, 52 wonderful years of memories! This is a walk down memory lane. Saturday, December 6th will be hubby and my Golden Wedding Anniversary! How great is that! I am gloriously blessed and today I will share some of the old photos in my memory walk of 1958---backwards and forward. Black and white photos along with color...which, sad to say was fairly new at the time...thus photography colors 'faded' back then.

Sipping Baptist Punch....strawberry KoolAid and Pineapple Juice"!
Wow, whatawildnight. hahaha As the roc n roll song said: "Raunchie, Raunchie!!!!
THEN...THERE WAS "the Bride"~~~in the awesome gown and veil made by the loving hands of my precious little Mom and the Bride whose photo was on commercial display for one year on main street of our fair city....just a few feet from where we had seen the one & ONLY>>>> Elvis Pressley, going to the movies as a handsome Soldier at Fort Hood, Texas. (instantly the whole main street BLOCKED and everybody was screaming out his name, as he laughs and waves----glad to be known as famous. ha ha
Plus...our "First Date" was to see Elvis in concert ....one of his first in Sept. 1956 at the Heart of Texas Coliseum, Waco, Texas....just so I could hear him sing ...."Love Me Tender, Love Me True, Tell Me you are Mine"....'I'll Be Loving You, Always" with... "Heartbreak Hotel, You Aint Nothing but a Hounddog... Don 't be Cruel....Don't step on my Blue Suede Shoes... and I'll have a Blue Christmas without You.... on and on and on....
While....one of my screaming cheerleading girlfriends totally got too excited and wet on herself and 2 tons of pettycoats....just left a huge puddle of water in front of the main stage...all because Elvis swooped down his hand towards their direction. ha ha M e r cy...
SOME memories are hard to fade. But this Bride always loved Elvis and the guy who took her to see him. Elvis sealed the Deal. ha ha
December 6, 1958 China Spring First Baptist Church
Red and white Christmas wedding (he was Sooo scared that his pants legs shook throughout the whole ceremony...and the guest sitting up front near where we stood started giggling....then he relaxed a wee bit.) It was a nice memory to laugh about.
Below: This was my 'hubby' to be....
on the school football field back in 1958. Great Smile & his laughter won my heart! *along with his being the tallest guy in school....and truly had one of the 'hottest' cars around. We dearly TREASURE our wonderful '1950's era, music & memories!!!
We were voted the Most Popular students
Wonderful Cheerleading Years!

One Classy-Chassie, 1955 Black/Chrome Chevy Hardtop, RED interior-hot 57' 4 barrell carb
I can honestly say that our wedding was one of my Daddy's Proudest Moments (other than standing for my high school graduation honors & scholarships). All of his brothers and their families all came in from South Texas to join the fun. I have 3 sisters and I was the only one that my Daddy got the honor of walking 'down the Isle" to give away his daughter for marriage in a formal church wedding. He and my Mom, along with my favorite sister, couldn't have been more excited. After all I was the youngest child (the baby of the family-ha ha) so they were probably secretly saying, "Halleluia, now--- some time for us-- finally....no more kids to raise". ha ha All great memories & treasures for me! Esp. that my beloved Mom made/created my wedding dress and I absolutely couldn't have LOVED it more!!!! Perfect for me & my personality!
I remember it all just as if it was yesterday. Candles, lots of candles, flowers, floral scented air of the church, fresh ferns, organ and piano music was soft and very touching....and tons of happy smiles and laughter/kidding!!! (and.....er er er and our friends stole our car and covered it in beer cans, old brogan boots, paper and tons of writings....and NOPE, neither of us ever drank, folks... and that's WHY, the kids dearly loved to 'rag out on us'...and we loved it!
So, please, now....won't somebody please tell me..."how can 50 long years pass away SO FAST. 50 years should have taken much longer than this!!! It doesn't seem possible.
My daughter wanted some old photos on my blog for some project that she is working on ....so we may have to dig out more for her...who knows? She is very creative, so we look forward to whatever she is up to!!!
Below....my daddy & me...
Being an avid & very successful Rancher....I had NEVER seen my Daddy when he was NOT wearing his COWBOY BOOTS....and true to form....this wedding got him out of his western leather vest and kaki clothes into a beautiful suit .....but he still wore those cowboy boots....and I loved it dearly. (he did sacarifice his Cowboy Hat tho. ha ha) this was a special moment for me...because from the time that I was a tiny little cotton-top girl, he always grabbed me up and yelled out ''This is my girl,.... she's MY baby"!
(&...just as an added note about my Daddy....which I thought it was sooo funny at the time when......He loved pranks and jokes & talked to almost anybody...anywhere....and once nearly caused a SHOCK WAVE in down town NEW YORK CITY, in 1948 when he walked through grand CENTRAL PARK & 5th Avenue....of NEW YORK CITY,...dressed totally in his usual cowboy attire from head to foot.
My Mom laughed & said it was so funny... because 'every head jerked ....to gaze upon that Texas Cowboy who loved talking to everyone on the street with a huge German broug with Texas slang. (remember in those days...NOT everybody pretended to be a cowboy or Country Western Singer or Texan--as it is so popular today.
(My daddy never, ever met a stranger....lots of strange ONES...but never a stranger) He loved talking to the New Yorkers on the street and equally...Mom said they seemed to enjoy his chatter and didn't mind ...when he walked in specifically.... like Jed Clampitt and bought a brand new bright green pickup (remember black was the main auto color then) right off the assembly line and paid cash. He loved doing that... & he rapidly made even more friends. (Sometimes green backs can change the tone of conversation--ha ha.) He loved to tell about that thrill for him "& Mutheraa". (it was so wonderful that he & my Mom were married overf 65 years before he passed away---but I don't think we will live that long. ha ha, so no sweat there --ha ha But my parents..... and hubby's grandparenhts.... each, gave us sooo many, many treasured memories/parties and lots of inspiration. )
So...below is a photo of a special memory of... just my 'Daddy & me' in our special 'moment in time"!

BASKETBALL (& VOLLEYBALL)......Four District Championships...plus tons of awesome tournaments. We loved that our coach called us the "Fierce Five". We were all SHORT...tallest was 5 Ft. 5''---Basketball...not the norm! (I am the one with long hair) We also won 2 District Championships in Volleyball which I loved even more than BB & was Captain. Fun times!!!
I felt so special when Coach referred to me as his top 'little gazelle''. He constantly encouraged me & truly made a great impression upon my life in trying to challenge the impossible. Back then...Stupidly, I would've jumped off a bridge if he had told me "You can do it". haha
However, today... I also thank God that he can't see me. ha ha (most likely he would change his wording to something more like... 'old goose'...instead of gazelle. ha ha (now, I can say this...but yall can't. ha ha just kidn')))
This was my senior year. Team Captain, 2 college scholarships and nominated by Central Texas coaches as All State player/nominee (only one other player named from our area of Texas) This means a lot nowadays= when I'm old, battling cancer/pain/chemo-drugs... hummm....& where the walking cane becomes your best friend!!! ha ha
Below: The only Championship boys team for our school era. 1957 Boys District Champs and hubby is standing, 3rd from left. He was 'tallest' guy on team (which I always Loved) and yet he slumped for the photo grr...but he could "pop' that net beautifully with... 3 point style shot used by todays rules. This was a Great group! Coach: Mr. S.V. Dickenson

Happy Golden Wedding Anniversary ....to us....
December 6, 1958 - 2008
(God created it....and said, "It is good"......)